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  • Trading Card Universal Rarity Scale

    The Trading Card Universal Rarity Scale (TCURS) is a standard for trading card companies to indicate the rarity of their cards.

    This scale reflects the maximum number of a particular trading card that will ever exist, not the current number of prints in existence. The actual number in existence may be much lower due to natural attrition or because fewer were printed than anticipated.

    TCURS symbols serve as a manufacturer's guarantee that the maximum number of prints indicated by the symbol will not be exceeded for a specific card or pack. These symbols may appear on any trading card, its packaging, as well as on marketing materials related to the card or pack.

    Rarity Level Print Limits
    Rarity Symbols
    Abundant (AB)> 524,288
    Common (CO)≤ 524,288
    Less Common (LC)≤ 262,144
     Uncommon (UN)≤ 131,072
     Fairly Rare (FR)  ≤ 65,536
     Rare (RA)≤ 32,768
     Quite Rare (QR)≤ 16,384
     Very Rare (VR)≤ 8,192
     Super Rare (SR)≤ 4,096
     Ultra Rare (UR)≤ 2,048
     Extremely Rare (XR)
    ≤ 1024
     XR Level 1 (L1)
    ≤ 512
     XR Level 2 (L2)≤ 256
     XR Level 3 (L3)
    ≤ 128
     XR Level 4 (L4)≤ 64
     XR Level 5 (L5)≤ 32
     XR Level 6 (L6)≤ 16
     XR Level 7 (L7)≤ 8
     XR Level 8 (L8)≤ 4
     XR Level 9 (L9) ≤ 2
     Unique (U) = 1

    Usage Terms for Rarity Symbols

    These symbols are specifically designed to represent levels of rarity for trading cards, as defined by the maximum number of copies ever printed. The symbols must accurately reflect the rarity figures exactly as presented on

    Unmodified Use: The symbols must not be altered, modified, or adapted in any way.

    Consistent Representation: The symbols must only be used to represent the rarity figures as defined on For example, the symbol for Very Rare (VR) represents a total of less than or equal to 8,192 copies and must not be used to represent any other figure. If these symbols are used to indicate the rarity of a box, pack, packet, or other collection of cards, and if the rarity of the contents differs from that of the packaging, it must be clearly communicated to the consumer that the symbol does not reflect the rarity of the contents.

    No Ownership Claims: The symbols must not be claimed as your own intellectual property.

    Destruction of Excess: If, by error or any other means, the number of prints of any card or pack associated with a TCURS symbol exceeds the number indicated by that symbol, the excess must be destroyed. Under no circumstances shall the excess be retained or distributed.

    By using these symbols, you agree to adhere to these terms. 

    Misuse, modification, or misrepresentation is strictly prohibited.

    DO NOT use these symbols if you cannot guarantee to consumers that you will adhere to these Usage Terms.

    For further information, please contact .